Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Concerns About Palin’s Readiness as Big Test Nears - NYTimes.com

Concerns About Palin’s Readiness as Big Test Nears - NYTimes.com: "Ms. Palin, of Alaska, continues to draw large crowds, is helping Mr. McCain with fund-raising and drawing volunteers, and is drumming up support among base Republican voters who were once skeptical of his candidacy, party leaders said in interviews. Yet these rough two weeks have led some Republicans to reconsider their initial assessment that she would sharply increase Mr. McCain’s appeal among women and independent voters."


The Washu said...

In the beginning we as a people were not feeling McCain,but enter Palin and now all of a sudden he can fix our problems and feed our hungry all with the help of the Super Soccer Mom from Alaska. (What a joke I'm splitting a gut...HA HA HA) The joke would be on us America enough is enough!!!!!

The Washu said...

Sorry for the misprint I meant to say Hockey Mom