Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I have been silent for way to long. let me tell you whats going on here in A town. Where to begin...? Has anyone seen that Tyra show with Bristol's baby daddy? Well I did and it was a mess. Some people may think that boy was and is lying about the Palin's, I think its all true. It is a shame that the boy is not in the child's life more. Some people may say that the Palin's are justified in limiting their visitation due to current legal problems in her exes family. What a minute , let he who is without sin cast the first stone. I looked up the Palin family in the court records here in Anchorage and guess what I found? I found numerous entries for the Palin family and one in particular that happens to be the talk of the town now.

Remember "Trooper Gate"? Well, I hate to beat a dead hoarse,but here goes. The same sister that Sarah defended so passionately that was the main reason the Palin family had issues with a certain trooper. Well that sister was caught robbing a house so she can get money for drugs. Now ain't that pot calling the kettle black. Not only did she get caught trying to rob the place, she had her youngest daughter outside in the car waiting. Now she faces charges of burglary and child endangerment. It would seem that there are drug related problems on both sides of the family.

On a funnier note...There are these rather cool signs that have popped up ( two that I know of)
the signs read "IMPEACH PALIN" in bold capital letters. I thought that might make you laugh.
Keep checking out my site I plan on sticking around. There are allot of things I can blog on long after this Palin storm passes. Can you believe this women is seriously thinking about running for president? If that happens may everything good and right with the universe help us.


Hard Core Michigander said...

Hey there... Keep it coming from the last frontier!

That is all we need, trailer park trash for President!

Celebrate Juneteenth!

Hard Core Michigander..

Hard Core Michigander said...

Celebrating Juneteenth from Lansing Michigan....

Our Guv is hotter that your Guv..

Jennifer Granholm is hot!
Sara Palin is not.

Friends of George Cushingberry said...

Happy Juneteenth from Lansing Michigan.......