Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A New Day Is Dawning!!!

Congratulations America, we did it!!!! know that we know someone is listening, we might be able to get our lives back. Its time to show and prove. There are allot of things we have to fix in our Country, one of the most important is to bring our sons and daughters home. I think our economy can be fixed if we stop letting the conglomerates and corporations from writing checks with our money. I don't see bailing out the rich and financial institutions as a way of helping us everyday people pay our bills or get out of debt. If the Government wanted to truly help us they would have bailed us out of debt ( our debts can not and do not total hundreds of millions of dollars ) , then we would have money to open businesses and spend more money. What do you think America? Let me know. Hell let the world know , we need a bailout too.!!

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